Honey, Thyme and Yoghurt Set Cheesecake
30 minutes
Preparation Time
2 hours refrigeration time
Cooking Time

- Base
- 200g of your favorite plain dry biscuit eg; digestives or hobnobs
- Line a 23cm springform cake tin with parchment paper and set aside
- Line a sieve with a clean tea towel. Squeeze the yoghurt into a ball, pressing out as much liquid as you can. You want to end up with about 340g of thickened yoghurt. Set aside until required. The liquid (whey) can be discarded.
- Place the biscuits in a clean plastic bag and crush them finely with a rolling pin. Mix with the butter and 1 tablespoon of the thyme and spoon into the cake tin, pressing it down to form an even layer. Set aside in the fridge.
- Whisk together the cream cheese, strained yoghurt, icing sugar and lemon zest until smooth and combined: this can be done in a free-standing mixer or using a hand-held mixer.
- Next melt the chocolate. This needs to be done over a pan of barely simmering water, in a heatproof bowl which sits over the pan with the base well clear of the water. Stir the chocolate frequently for 2-3 minutes, taking care not to get any moisture into the chocolate as this will cause it to seize. Spoon the melted chocolate into the cream cheese mixture and whisk until combined.
- Pour the mixture into the biscuit base evenly, then refrigerate for the at least 2 hours, unit set.
- When ready to serve, warm the honey in a small saucepan with the remaining ½ tablespoon of thyme leaves until thin and runny. Remove from the heat and drizzle over the cheesecake.
- Release the cheesecake from the tin, divide into slices and serve.
- Note: Double the base ingredients if you wish base to go up the sides of the cheesecake. You can make this up to 2 days ahead of serving. If you like, topping with the honey and thyme or preserved lemon just before serving.