Mel’s Fetta Recipe – Sweet & Natural
Preparation Time

- Sweet Yoghurt Fetta
- 1kg Farm to Pot Honey or Sweet & Creamy Jalna
- Place cheese cloth in a sieve or similar and spoon in the yoghurt, cover with excess cloth. Top with a plate or bowl and weight down using a big tin or similar. (you can also use a cheese press which would only take 3-4 hours but be careful not to over press it).
- Wait until you have approximately 700 ml of whey which may take overnight on the kitchen bench.
- Cut cheese into cubes and store in marinade.
- Store in an airtight jar in the fridge.
- Note: Note from Mel: "There really are no rules any of the Jalna pot set yoghurts would work. Marinades could also be customised to your own taste."